A stricter interpretation of t he Holy Bible's 8th. Commandment " You shall not steal " should include activities that cheat or harm to enrich oneself. Like any other legitimate businesses or professions whose goals are to make a profit for ourselves, trading is definitely not dishonest as we are not out to swindle others and not harmful if we don't treat it like gambling Ecclesiastes GNB. Invest your money in foreign trade, and one of these days you will make a profit. Put your investments in several places — many places, in fact — because you never know what kind of bad luck you are going to have in this world. GNB: Good News Bible /08/09 · The Candlestick Trading Bible – PDF Download, by Munehisa Homma! Last week, I made a bold move. I quit my job as an IT executive to trade forex full-time. I did that with a do-or-die mentality. Initially, my plan was to quit only after I am certain that I can earn more than my day job through forex
What Does the Bible Say About Trading?
by TradingStrategyGuides Last updated Apr 30, All Strategies 5 comments. Is trading ok with God? Is it biblical? Is forex trading a sin? Is trading stocks a sin? These are good questions that perhaps some wrestle with or have questions about. Let's examine Forex Trading and the Bible. Our first and last stop will be The Bible all quotations are from the Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible.
There is nothing like the Scriptures to clear up our understanding, forex in the bible. As traders, our job is to provide liquidity to the markets at times that someone else may be in pain. We scale out of that position with a profit. We are traders and we get PAID for this service.
Now if God loves a virtuous woman vs10 and her price is FAR above rubies, then surely God loves a virtuous man too. For God is no respecter of persons. Let's look at just some of her highly praised qualities. it is OK to stay up and trade the Asian session. The whole chapter speaks of her buying and selling and forex in the bible gain, forex in the bible.
She is making good business deals. She carefully considers land and buys it. She is PRAISED for doing a good job of providing for her family. Here is a quote from Proverbs It is a warning to us all. Pr Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:. when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Here God tells us that we better not be lazy, but get ourselves up and get to work at the RIGHT times.
Notice the ant is not slothful but works while it is the proper time. If we forex in the bible slothful about trading at the right times we will not make our money to provide food and shelter for our forex in the bible. It is perfectly OK to wake up and trade the London session if you feel the need. Pr Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
Here we see God wants us to be diligent in whatever business we are engaged in. I preach this daily in the trading room. FOCUS, Patience, and Discipline. Here is a somber warning to us all:. Mt For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. Here we have an amazing parable of the good diligent servants who went forth and took the God-given abilities that they had and put them to use and GAINED, forex in the bible.
The subject is on MONEY see verse The Lord commanded the men that gained and said WELL DONE and chastened the one who was slothful lazy by taking away what he had and giving it to another. He finishes the parable with the statement that everyone who does good with what they have will receive rewards by getting MORE. Folks… Please…. Lu If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
Here God clearly says unto us all that if we are not faithful in simply dealing with MONEY, forex in the bible, why should we get the true riches? Also read about the Forex Mentors and the best investment you can make. My friends, I could go on and on and on about this, forex in the bible, the Bible is chock full of scriptures regarding this subject. For the sake of brevity I am leaving out so much, or I would write a book here. These are just a few examples.
Consider Joseph who was sold into slavery, by his wicked brothers. He spent YEARS as a slave… but God blessed him with WISDOM in how to handle money, goods etc… and he rose quickly because everything he forex in the bible turned to Gold. Later God promoted him to great honor by placing him directly under Pharaoh as the second in command of the whole land. King Solomon did similarly. His kingdom was huge.
People came from far and wide to check him out because his rule was so awesome and all the people in the land were so happy. With all this money and power comes a great responsibility to be Godly, to be kind, merciful, giving, etc… and so on but I will leave that for Church… because we need to stick to our subject.
Is Trading an acceptable occupation? I think so. I can see NOTHING in the scriptures to say otherwise. It is an occupation, it is hard work, it requires much of a person. It is an absolutely awesome way for us to all earn a living from the comfort of our homes, not having to go and be someone else's slave.
Being able to work when and where we want. It can provide you and your family with a great provision of food, raiment forex in the bible more.
You can have more abundance to be able to give to others that may have a need. Now for clarification, I must include this as well, money is not supposed to be our GOD, we are not supposed to be greedy our covetous about it. We are not supposed to STRIVE to become rich, forex in the bible. We are just supposed to be happy making a good paycheck and forex in the bible for our families.
We must keep our priorities in check and not forget who our God really is. Ec And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God. James Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. IF God has endued you with a good ability to trade IF you are doing your best to hone it and forex in the bible a great trader day by forex in the bible IF you have this chance to take your time and MAKE this trading work….
Rejoice in this perfect gift from above. We cannot afford to have psychological demons in the back of our minds haunting us. I know some people have a problem in this area and it will work against you if you do not have it clear in your head that this is perfectly OK with God. This is the reason for this article, notonly Forex Trading and the Bible. It is not said that forex trading is a sin, forex in the bible.
Thanks for reading and till next time. Happy trading. Michael Storm aka Robinhood. We specialize in teaching traders of all skill levels how to trade stocks, options, forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and more.
Our mission is to address the lack of good information for market traders and to simplify trading education by giving readers a detailed plan with step-by-step rules to follow. A very good article. Very informative and useful. I do not feel guilty trading. We should use money to help others.
Thanks very much. Thank you so much for your clear explanation! now I'm not guilty any more, I'm just a beginner and I'm wondering if it is a gamble or not. I'ts clear to me now and I will be trading with no guilt from God since He blessed and He will give me wisdom to do it well and be able to share my blessings in the future if He permits me to succeed.
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Forex Trading in the Bible
, time: 59:35Forex Trading: The Bible - Book Review | Forex South Africa

/05/13 · Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube Forex Trading: The Bible – Book Review. Sam Rees was born in Queens, New York After struggling financially, he got involved in finance. He quit his job back in and joined a big stocks trading firm. He invested in Bitcoin in after he followed the online cryptocurrency for some time A stricter interpretation of t he Holy Bible's 8th. Commandment " You shall not steal " should include activities that cheat or harm to enrich oneself. Like any other legitimate businesses or professions whose goals are to make a profit for ourselves, trading is definitely not dishonest as we are not out to swindle others and not harmful if we don't treat it like gambling
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